Friday, August 5, 2011

Deathstroke the Terminator (DC Comics)

As a little kid I thought Deathstroke was part of Marvel
Comics, he got the Marvel looks but I got shocked when I founded out that he
was part of DC Comics. In my opinion Deathstroke is one of the best designed
character that he’s the reason why Deadpool was created in the first place. On
this project I was aiming for unique noir style and for the environment I wanted
to an underground tunnel sense so it could look very mystery. I was looking at
reference from comic to realistic.

Captain America (Hell Edition)

On this project I want to add my own theme style which is
hell. I am planning to paint more characters in the future with hell theme by
adding my own original painting techniques. I got my inspiration from Marvel
Zombie series which I really admired especially Arthur Suydam paintings. I have
used this painting technique before but this time I mixed with other
techniques. My goal is to make this painting unique.


I decided to rework on this project because I really love how the (662ster’s creation side view) came out so I added the same technique painting for this project. I want to make them as a “Twins Collection Paintings” Like I said before I have been highly inspired by some of historical paintings that I’ve seen in the museum. I was aiming for a different artwork style more like a historical painting artwork slash Fine Art something that you seen on a cultural museum from the Middle East.


I have been highly inspired by some of historical paintings that I’ve
seen in the museum. This is the second version (side view) of this
character that I have created. I changed the color of the Bedouin into
light yellowish. I want him to have the modern look and The 6 logo sure
give it a controversial look to this painting. I was aiming for a
different artwork style more like a historical painting artwork slash
Fine Art something that you seen on a cultural museum from the Middle

Deadpool (Marvel Comics)

This is the final version of Deadpool. I got highly inspired by my new genre art style that I had been doing lately this year. The changes that I did for this project are repaint some parts, blend the colors a little bit, remove the lens flares from his swords, fix as well as adding his official logo. I also added my own genre artwork style along with the “6” : ) In this painting I am just aiming for a unique style while I keep improving on my techniques.

Red Skull (Marvel Comics) Nazi Version

Marvel Comics really know how to promote Red Skull to the older audience especially the Red Skull Incarnate series that’s what really motivated me to do a painting of Red Skull with a serious point of view. On this project I am aiming for unique noir comic style similar to Tim Bradstreet artwork which I really admired as well as adding the Jason Shawn Alexander style (Marvel Zombie Return series only.) The story is that Red Skull wants to kill Captain America with his army knife.